Dr. Jenna A. Bell is the co-author of Energy to Burn: The Ultimate Food & Nutrition Guide to Fuel your Active Lifestyle (John Wiley & Sons 2009) and Launching Your Dietetics Career (ADA 2011), Sports Dietitian and blogger for Runkeeper.com and member of the Editorial Advisory Board for Today’s Dietitian. Dr. Jenna’s expertise has been featured in Us Weekly, Self Magazine, Fitness magazine, Pilates Style, Outside Magazine, Men’s Health, Runner’s World, IDEA Fitness Journal, IDEA Health and Fitness Source, IDEA Personal Trainer, other print publications and on the web. She’s been published in scientific journals, and appeared on the Daily Buzz, ABC, NBC and FOX affiliates, local and national radio programs and podcasts.
Jenna is a Nutrition Advisor to international sports nutrition companies, and co-founder of Swim, Bike, Run, Eat!. She has provided nutrition seminars at major athletic events like the Boston Marathon, the ING New York City Marathon, Bank of American Chicago Marathon and the Ford Ironman WorldChampionship in Kona, HI. She also has developed relationships as a Nutrition Communications Consultant and media spokesperson with companies that include Unilever, Kraft Foods, Ocean Spray, Nestle, the Tea Council, USA Rice Federation, Cranberry Institute, Ajinomoto and more.
Jenna is a two-time Ironman Finisher and completed three marathons. In addition, she has competed in numerous sprint and Olympic distance triathlons and road races.
Dr. Jenna earned her Doctorate with Distinction in Health and Human Performance with an emphasis on Exercise Science at the University of New Mexico, Masters Degree with Distinction in Nutrition and Dietetic Internship at UNM, and Bachelors in Nutritional Sciences from the University of New Hampshire.